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Mythical Creature Creator - How It Works

  • We take the prompt you entered, re-engineer it with additional details to produce the type of image which this microsite specialises in, and then submit it to our network of generative hosts.
  • Everyone who runs Promptus contributes to the global pool of generative servers.
  • Users who contribute their GPU cycles are rewarded with credits to use to generate more art of their own.
  • Signed-up users also get the option of creating their own microsites.
  • Microsite creators can select from a huge pool of various specialised models which their site will then use; up to four can be set per Microsite.
  • Different models specialise in different types of image generation, so careful model choice can significantly enhance the effectiveness of any given Microsite in its own field.
  • In future, users will also earn credits when their Microsites are used by others to generate art.
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